Friday, June 3, 2011

X-Men: First Class Movie Soundtrack

Here comes another hot movie to strike international theaters today! The soundtrack is yet to be released but promisingly beautiful. The soundtrack is made by the genius Henry Jackman like no other. he is the same name behind the movie soundtrack success of our time, Da Vinci Code, The Dark Knight, Pirates of the Caribbean and Kung Fu Panda.

Soundtrack List:
 1. First Class
2. Pain and Anger
3. Would You Date Me?
4. Not That Sort Of Bank
5. Frankenstein’s Monster
6. What Am I thinking
7. Cerebro
8. Mobilise For Russia
9. Rise Up To Rule
10. Cold War
11. X-Training
12. Rage and Serenity
                                   13. To Beast Or Not To Beast
                                   14. True Colours
                                   15. Let Battle Commence
                                   16. Sub Lift
                                   17. Coup d’État
                                   18. Mutant and Proud
                                   19. X-Men
                                   20. Magneto

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